‘Stop The Rot’ With Your Local Family Dentist In Burton

Tooth decay is much too common, especially in children. Here’s how we can help.

Whilst gum disease poses a serious and persistent threat to our oral health, it is likely that most patients are more familiar with the problem of tooth decay. This is especially the case in children, who may have a combination of a high sugar diet and, potentially, a poorer teeth cleaning regimen.

At Mike Allen’s Dental Practice, we offer family friendly dental care to ensure that your children’s teeth get off to a good, healthy start.

First dental visits

We generally advise parents to bring their children to see us at around one year old. Whilst any treatment at this age is very unlikely, it does allow them to get used to the various noises, smells and sounds of a dental practice and will make it seem like a normal thing to do as they get a little older. It is also thought that doing this makes them less likely to be afraid of dental visits in later life too.

As their first teeth come through, and probably around the time they develop a fondness for sweets, regular dental checks can help them to avoid, or at least minimise, the effects of tooth decay.


In addition to seeing the dentist, we also recommend that your child sees the dental hygienist at our Burton practice. As well as removing hardened bacteria (tartar) from their teeth, using a non invasive procedure, we find that children will listen to oral health advice from people outside of the family unit, rather than within it. Whilst it is probably unlikely that children will avoid sugar altogether, having the knowledge that it could ruin their teeth may at least help them to moderate their intake.


Hopefully, any necessary dental procedures will be kept to a minimum if the advice of our hygienist is followed. Where treatments are needed though, you can be sure that the team at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice will carry out any procedure in a gentle and calm manner to make the experience as comfortable as possible for your child. The most common treatment that children are likely to need is that of a dental filling. Although this is a relatively straightforward procedure which we carry out on a daily basis; for the child, it can be worrying. Our team will take care of your child during this possibly stressful event and you are also welcome to stay with them for additional support if you feel it appropriate.

If you live in Burton and have children, even if they have not seen a dentist yet, it is never too late. Contact local dentist Mike Allen on 01283 845345 to arrange an appointment for them, and set them on the path to good oral health.