Receding Gums

Helping to prevent this common dental problem.

Like discoloured teeth, receding gums often seem to sneak up on us and occur later in life without us really noticing it happening. With barely any symptoms at all,  it is only one day, when looking in the mirror, that we notice that we can start to see the top of the roots of our teeth. Whilst this visual effect is often the thing that we first notice, receding gums can bring other problems with them, not least of which is an increased sensitivity in the affected teeth.

The reason for this is that, unlike the tooth itself, the root of the tooth is not fully protected by enamel. It is this area that is exposed and which contains the nerves which are sensitive to both hot and cold.


At Mike Allen’s Dental, the team at our long established Burton dentist believe in prevention as the best method of avoiding dental problems. Whilst we do have a wide array of procedures for correcting damaged or missing teeth, such as crowns or dental implants;  it is our firm belief that a set of natural, healthy teeth is the ideal scenario and encourage our patients also to take this approach.

Whilst we may not be able to prevent dental injuries such as a broken tooth from occurring, there are a number of problems such as gum disease and receding gums that can be prevented from occurring through professional supervision and treatment, where required.

Causes of gum recession

So, what causes receding gums? There can, in fact, be a number of causes of this common problem. The main ones are as follows:

1.    Genetics – If your parents or grandparents had receding gums, then there is a likelihood that you will also have them. This should not mean that you give up however, as a good oral health regimen will certainly help to delay this from happening.

2.    Brushing – Whilst we encourage our patients to brush their teeth well; if this is taken to heart and a firm bristled brush is used with a lot of pressure, this will eventually wear away the gums, to say nothing of the enamel on the teeth! Ask our hygienist at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice for advice both on the type of brush to use, and the best method to clean your teeth effectively.

3.    Hormones – Pregnancy, in particular, causes dramatic hormonal changes in the body, and the gums, unfortunately, are commonly affected during this time. For this reason, despite the extra effort that can be required, regular dental checks are very important during this time.

4.    Gum disease – One of the leading causes of gum recession is gum disease. Responsible for a number of dental issues, this is one of the most persistent problems, yet also one of the most easily preventable. The key to gum disease prevention lies in both good home care, with quality brushing and flossing, and regular professional dental care and hygienist visits, where any built up plaque can be removed from the teeth and gums.

Even if your gums are not yet showing any signs of receding, you should not presume that it will not occur.

If you live in Burton on Trent and have not seen a dentist for a while, our dental team are very happy to see you. We will check and help you to maintain good oral health so that problems such as gum disease and receding gums don’t sneak up on you when you are least expecting them. Please call us on 01283 845345.