Oral Piercings

A look at the potential oral health issues.

Piercings of the tongue and lips are one of the popular trends at the moment, especially among the younger generation. Whilst parents may not approve of these, many also acknowledge that these are easily removed when the trend has passed, unlike, for example, tattoos. Although the piercings themselves may be temporary though, there are still risks associated with them regarding your oral health, and our Burton upon Trent dentist Mike Allen, looks at these, along with treatments that are available for some of the problems caused.

Chipped teeth

One of the most common problems that we see at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice, associated with oral piercing is the chipping of teeth. This is far from uncommon and often happens in the period soon after the piercing has been placed. As it is a foreign body, people can take a little time to become accustomed to this piece of metal in their mouth. The most noticeable effect of this is the change in speech. This is usually temporary though and harmless.

More significant damage occurs when the teeth become chipped through coming into contact with the piercing. Although more severe breakages do occur, from time to time, it is usually relatively minor chipping that occurs.

This in turn causes sharp edges which can cause cuts to the lips and gums and can make it an uncomfortable experience. It also means that the enamel of the tooth is weakened and more likely to be susceptible to dental decay.


Infections are not uncommon in the area of the piecing. These can be minimised by ensuring that you only have it performed at a registered practitioner and you should certainly not attempt it yourself. Oral health hygiene is also very important in order to prevent infections. Of course, this should apply anyway in order to protect your teeth and gums and keep them in good condition. If the area around the piercing becomes infected, this may harbour gingival bacteria, a major factor in gum disease and the leading cause of tooth loss in the UK.


Whilst an ideal solution, of course, would be not to put bits of metal in the oral cavity, we appreciate that some people do not feel this way and have the right to do so. We would certainly suggest that, if a piercing is placed in the mouth, that extra care is taken with your oral health and that you keep regular appointments at our Burton on Trent dental practice so that we can monitor any issues that might arise. Should you be unfortunate enough to experience tooth damage from a piercing, we have a range of cosmetic repair treatments to help. These range from simple dental bonding to repair chips to veneers and crowns for more extensive damage.

To arrange an appointment with us, call us today on 01283 845345.