How Modern Life Can Be Harmful To Our Teeth

Despite advances in dental care, our teeth are under an increasing number of threats.

Whilst modern dental care can now help to preserve and restore our teeth when we suffer from problems, it is far better to avoid these in the first place. This is easier said than done though, and modern life seems to excel at putting obstacles in our path.

Although many of us know that we could prevent common problems such as decay by changing our lifestyles, how many of us are probably prepared to do so to the level that would make a significant improvement to our oral health?

A balanced life

On a practical level, we would encourage patients of our Burton dental practice to at least start to make changes to their lifestyle to help them keep their natural teeth into old age. Even small steps can make a difference, and, as your lifestyle adjusts, you may find it easier to change even more, to the point where your daily habits pose only a minimal risk to your teeth.


The number one enemy of our teeth, in daily life, is our sugar consumption. It is not unusual for the team at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice to be told by a patient that they no longer put sugar in their tea. This is a start, and one that we would encourage! Unfortunately, the same people may then have a couple of biscuits with their tea, perhaps have a can of sugary drink at lunchtime, followed by a slice of cake in the afternoon to stave off that ‘mid afternoon slump’. The evening may include a meal with a sweet dessert, quite possibly followed by an alcoholic drink. These are also usually high in sugar.

Making changes can be tricky, but they can be made. In the case above, we would probably suggest that you start by cutting out the sugary drink. These are now widely thought to be one of the main reasons for a rise in tooth decay in children, and they will affect adults in the same way. Swapping your sugary drink at lunchtime for water or at least a sugar-free alternative, will not only help to reduce your sugar intake, but may also keep you hydrated better too. It is also possible that at least some of the mid afternoon slump may be caused by being dehydrated, and you may find that you no longer crave that sugar boost in the middle of the afternoon.

Coffee shops

We also need to become more aware of hidden sugars. Many of us now probably pay a regular visit to our favourite coffee shop. Whilst some coffee drinks, such as espresso, may contribute to teeth discolouration; unless we add sugar, they are otherwise relatively harmless. Unfortunately, many people opt for the ‘speciality’ drinks. These can sometimes contain ridiculously high quantities of sugar. For example, one well known coffee shop’s hot chocolate contains 15 teaspoons of sugar. Their worst offending drink actually contains 25 teaspoons, nearly three times the maximum recommended daily amount… just in one drink! Think wisely when buying a drink, and remember that water is always better for your health.

Whilst we can make changes to our lifestyle, most of us are unable, or unwilling,  to opt out of many of the habits of modern life. This is another good reason to make sure that you stay on top of your regular dental appointments at Mike Allen’s dental surgery in Burton. Doing so means that we can monitor your teeth and gums, and provide treatment at an early stage, where necessary, to prevent more significant damage.

To arrange your appointment at our Burton practice, please call us on 01283 845345.