Rates Of Dental Decay Improving In The Under Fives

Keeping your children’s teeth strong and healthy with our Burton Family Dentist.

A recent report has indicated that rates of dental decay in the under fives are getting lower. This is excellent news, albeit tempered by the fact that 150,000 children under five years of age still have signs of dental decay.

Whilst we may never get the above figure down to zero, there really is no excuse for children to have unhealthy teeth. Looking after a child’s teeth should be relatively straightforward, with some professional help along the way.


Good oral health in children begins with diet. This is easier said than done though, and nearly all parents will find that their child simply loves sweet foods rather than savoury. Even parents who are very strict about a child’s diet will almost inevitably provide sweet foods, even if this is in the form of fruit; healthy, but still high in sugars. So, what can be done about this? The key is ensuring a healthy balance, by allowing children sweets as treats or on special occasions, whilst making sure that they follow an otherwise healthy diet.

One of the main reasons for poor oral health in children is thought to be the widespread consumption of fruit drinks. These should be offered in moderation in the main, with water or very diluted juices as everyday drinks, which are good for hydration and will not damage their teeth.


Twice daily brushing is essential for children, whatever their diet. This should be supervised by an adult and should be done for at least two minutes; more if the child becomes distracted during the brushing. There are many ‘gadgets’ and phone apps available which may make this more fun for the child. It is important that a fluoride toothpaste is used, as this strengthens the enamel exterior of the tooth, helping to protect the more vulnerable inner dentin layer from decay.

Professional help

Whilst a healthy diet and good home care will play a major role in keeping your child’s teeth strong and in good health, regular professional dental care will always be important. Our Burton family dentist will examine a child’s teeth for early signs of problems such as tooth decay and gum disease and will treat them where necessary. We are also able to offer advice and help to parents who may have queries about how best to look after their children’s teeth.

Bringing your child to visit Mike Allen’s Dental Practice from an early age is also likely to help them to avoid dental anxiety in later life. This will help to ensure that any necessary treatment is given in the early stages, avoiding more serious oral health problems in later years.

To arrange an appointment for yourself, or your child, please call our child friendly dental practice on 01283 845345.