Are Your Teeth Overly Sensitive To Hot And Cold?

Management and treatment of this common dental problem

If we dig our teeth into freezing cold ice cream and hold them there, we will likely not manage to hold this position for long before taking them back out again. Some people, though, find that even just a brief contact with something cold, like ice cream, or something hot like a freshly poured cup of tea, can be a very uncomfortable experience indeed.

Unfortunately, for these people, this type of situation is quite common in daily life and many of them live with this discomfort for long periods of time. There are a number of ways that sensitive teeth sufferers can reduce or eliminate this discomfort though and we will take a look at some of the in today’s blog.

Causes of tooth sensitivity

Before we move on to solutions, it is worth looking at why your teeth might be sensitive in the first place. Although there can be genetic reasons, with some people born with thinner tooth enamel; in many cases it will be caused by some type of damage to the teeth. One possible reason is that the enamel has become cracked or chipped, exposing the softer dentin layer beneath it. Another cause is enamel erosion due to eating or drinking too many acidic foods and drinks. This can also be caused by overly zealous brushing of the teeth too.

Whatever the possible cause of your sensitive teeth, you should always have them checked by one of the dentists at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice. Even if you feel that you can live with the discomfort, it is important to have your teeth checked. If the tooth has been cracked or chipped, this is very likely to lead to tooth decay eventually and treatment will be required.

Treating and managing discomfort

The level of discomfort from having sensitive teeth will vary from person to person and some might not, initially at least, feel that they need to do anything about it as it is quite manageable. This is unlikely to last though and most people will eventually want to take some action. You can, of course, try to avoid those things that cause sensitivity but this isn’t really a long term strategy. The next step is often pain management, and there are a couple of options available here.

You could take your usual painkiller, such as paracetamol or similar. This will undoubtedly help but again, isn’t really a long term solution. Painkillers can become addictive, with higher levels needed to achieve the same result as time goes on.

A second option is to use a toothpaste that is specifically designed to reduce the pain from tooth sensitivity. These usually work in one of two ways. They either block the exposed dentinal tubules which lead to the nerves, or they desensitise the nerve endings so that you feel less discomfort. These toothpastes can be especially effective for those who experience only a mild degree of discomfort.

Dental treatments

There is a longer and more permanent solution to this common dental problem. This comes in the form of porcelain veneers. As the discomfort is commonly caused by an eroded enamel surface of the front teeth, the logical thing to do would be to replace this with a new protective surface. This is what happens when we fit dental veneers for patients. In most cases, the damaged enamel will need to be removed first. This will be done using a local anaesthetic and a tool called a ‘burr’ which, in effect, shaves away a fine layer of the damaged enamel on the front of the teeth. Impressions are then taken of the prepared teeth which are sent to a laboratory for the veneers to be made. Patients will be provided with temporary veneers to protect their teeth during this time, usually a week or so.

Once your new veneers have arrived back at our Burton dentist clinic, the temporary ones will be removed and the new ones attached using a strong clinical adhesive. Finally, the veneers will be trimmed and polished to give them a natural appearance. Once the treatment is completed, sensitive teeth should be a thing of the past.

An added bonus if you have this treatment is that the veneers can also be used to give you whiter looking teeth, something that those of you with stained or badly discoloured teeth may wish to consider.

There is no need to simply put up with discomfort from extreme temperatures to your teeth any more. In the first instance, you should have them checked at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice to make sure that there is no significant damage. We can then discuss the various treatment options, including veneers, with you.

If you have sensitive teeth and would like to talk to one of our Burton dental team about it, please call us on 01283 845345 and we’ll be pleased to assist.