Preparing Your Child For Their First Dental Appointment

A child’s first appointment may determine how they feel about visiting the dentist in the future.

We have mentioned in previous blogs, that ideally you should take your children to a dentist at around one year old for their first visit. Of course, life often gets in the way, and with the best will in the world this sometimes doesn’t happen. Especially if your children have no apparent problems with their teeth, it is quite possible that their first appointment may be a year or so later. Providing that you have made sure that they have cleaned their teeth well, and not eaten too many sweets, with a little luck treatment may not be necessary at this stage. However, please try to visit as near to the age of one year old as possible.

Even where the likelihood of treatment is small when a child first visits the dentist, this doesn’t mean that they won’t be nervous. Some children may have seen cartoons or even heard adults talk about how they hate seeing a dentist. Children often pick up on things that we don’t realise, and it is quite easy to pass on our dental phobia to our children without even realising.

The first visit

Even if you are later than intended in bringing your child to our Burton practice, it is important that you do so as soon as possible. Early intervention, where needed, can make a big difference to their oral health and help to prevent future problems. Once you have got into a routine of bringing your children to us, we also recommend that you see our dental hygienist on an ongoing basis for non invasive teeth cleaning. This is also a great opportunity for children to learn how to look after their teeth and gums in a friendly environment.

But first, you need to prepare your child for their first ever visit to Mike Allen’s Dental Practice.

Some tips for parents

As adults, we understand about what happens during a dental visit. Your child will not. Below are some tips which might help them to feel more at ease with the idea of their first dental visit.

Picture books

You should be able to find some child friendly books in the style of ‘Your first visit to the dentist’. You can use these to read to them and point out the various objects in the pictures, explaining what they are. Be prepared to answer any questions that they might have to put them at ease. You may find that, in doing so, you will also answer some of the ‘triggers’ that may be causing your own dental anxieties too.

Bring a toy

To us, a scruffy teddy bear or even a ‘comfort cloth’, might seem unimportant, but, to a child, it helps them to feel safe when they are worried. We are more than happy to give ‘Teddy’ a quick check when you arrive with your child. If it doesn’t hurt Teddy, then your child may also feel more relaxed for their examination too.

Organise beforehand

Your child may feel stressed when they first arrive so please talk to the receptionists at our Burton practice beforehand to see what paperwork can be completed prior to the day. That way, you can focus on your child when you arrive, rather than be distracted with administration.

Hide your own phobias

It should be obvious, but, even if you find yourself getting anxious as you approach the practice, try not to let it show. Your child will pick up on your own anxiety so try to stay as calm and relaxed as possible.

Choose your words carefully

Whether at home, or in the car on the way to our dental practice, be careful of the words that you use to answer any questions. Don’t use words like pain, drilling, pulling out etc etc … Children have extremely vivid imaginations and are very likely to think the worst.

Reassure them it will be a ‘no treatment’ visit

In their heads, a child probably is convinced that their teeth are going to be drilled, pulled out and whatever else happens in their imagination. Re-assure them that, no matter what happens, there will be no treatment involved the very first time that they see a dentist at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice.

And finally … the treat

Kids are usually easily ‘bribed’ with treats. Each child will be different so try to organise something that you can do immediately after their appointment. This will give them something to look forward to and will help to distract them too. Whilst we don’t recommend sugary treats ideally, if that’s what they want, it is probably best to go with it as a “one off”. But please don’t make it a habit else you could be seeing us more often than you’d hoped!

Our dental team is experienced in treating children and offer a friendly face for a worried child. We know how important it is to get children into good habits early on in life, and this includes making sure that they see a dentist on a regular basis. In addition to making sure that we treat any problems that arise, these are also good opportunities to advise parents on how to care for their child’s teeth more effectively.

To arrange your child’s first visit at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice, please call us today on 01283 845345.

Dr Mike Allen – Dental Practice Owner – GDC 55931