Augmentation for Dental Implants

The use of bone grafts to support a successful implant procedure.

Whilst the majority of dental implant patients at our Burton Upon Trent dental practice will not need the procedure; for some, a bone graft may be necessary prior to having a dental implant placed. This will only be done when it is shown, from x-rays and scans, that there is insufficient bone available in the jaw to place a dental implant into.

If an implant is placed where there is insufficient bone, its chances of success are minimised and there is every chance that the implant will become loose and fall out.

Building up the bone

To prevent this from happening, the bone in the jaw must be built up to an acceptable level, and this done through augmentation, or a bone graft.

To do this involves grafting a small piece of bone into the area where the implant will be placed and allowing this to bond and strengthen for a while. Once it has become fully integrated, the bone is then ready for the dental implant procedure to take place.

The bone used for this process can be taken from a number of sources. At Mike Allen’s Dental Practice, we have successfully used bone from animal and synthetic sources. It can also be taken from the patient themselves and this reduces potential risks of rejection although it is another invasive procedure for the patient to go through.

Who needs a bone graft?

So, who may need to have a bone graft? This can be affected by a variety of circumstances; some of the more common can be seen below:

Smokers and heavy drinkers

Smoking is a known factor in reducing bone density in the jaw and smokers are more likely than non smokers to need augmentation. The good news is that by stopping smoking, you will also slow down the degradation of the available bone.


As we get older, our bone density decreases and the jaw is no exception. The older the patient, the more likely it is that bone augmentation will be needed. Ensuring good oral health care throughout your life will delay this somewhat.

Gum disease

At Mike Allen’s Dental Practice, we put a strong emphasis on good gum health and there are very good reasons for this. Not only is gum disease the major cause of tooth loss in the UK, but advanced gum disease or periodontitis, also attacks the bone in the jaw, reducing its density and therefore its suitability for implant placement. Each patient though is an individual and various other factors may dictate whether a bone graft is needed or not.

By arranging a consultation at our Burton Upon Trent dental practice, x-rays and scans can be taken to see if a bone graft would be needed prior to implant placement, or not. Please call us today on 01283 845345.